Boseong green tea field

This week has brought a little good news on two fronts: First off, one of my shots was selected for publication in Gwangju News. My photograph of an off-the-beaten-track segment of Boseong’s green tea plantations made the magazine’s Photo of the Month, which was a nice surprise. I always squeeze in as much shooting time as possible during the all-too-infrequent vacations we have in Korea, which invariably ends up in very long days of shooting. It was nice to get a little recognition for my efforts.

You can see the shot and short accompanying article here:

Second, my wrist seems to be slowly but surely mending (for those who don’t know, I had an accident playing football (the one with your feet) that has left my wrist in cast for the last month). I have an appointment with a specialist next week to assess any long-term damage. All going well, I’m hoping to be back to my best and should be able to get out shooting much more easily sometime soon.